24 May 2005

Dream One

A hand writ large for all to see
my fate upon the wall:
a tower, greater than my lust,
destined, 'ere done, to fall.

The words, like flames, then disappeared
as is the wont of dreams
in which, although the meaning's clear,
nothing is as it seems.

Dream Two

I was shot and I was the President of Texas
at eleven; having split an empire
I knelt in the sand
waiting for my accuser to fire.

I was the President of Texas and
I thought my enemies would learn
that if they didn't kill with one shot
I would take my turn.

I was the President of Texas
at eleven; having split an empire
and survived being shot,
to what did I not aspire?

I am the President of Texas;
though grown old, I rule still
an empire stretching from sea to sea
and believe: I always will.

Dream Three

Putting out the eyes
of a rebellious king
is no different
than putting out the eyes
of a dog.

The man may understand,
but if he does, dignity
binds him
tighter than terror.

He will not flinch as
white metal
pierces and,
like the dog,

Dream Four

I will build you a mountain forest
stretching from sea to sea
if you will stay in the desert, my dear,
making mountains with me.

I will build you a city of gold
and upon it, above it all
will I plant a garden of eden
for your pleasure, which will not

fall to the decay of time
but grow grander with the centuries,
becoming, like you, divine.

Dream Five

One must be a bit presumptuous
to want to rule the world,
and one must have a vision
of better things, unfurled like

a banner or a pennant in the wind,
a tapestry or painting,
a seal or frieze, even,
on parchment or reed—

the record of a dream
of how the world should be,
a vision that includes
one's own immortality.

Dream Six

I am a tree, tall as any tower
in the desert, bursting with flower
when cut down.

Seven year's rotting pass,
feeding my roots; in them
I am a goat, grazing
through sun and rain.
What does it mean, if not
"I am sane"?

Statues of gold, when built on clay
will crumble and fall
but a name, once recorded
will remain forever a name.

Dream Seven

I really only have one dream;
what it is, I can't recall.
Tell me, won't you, what it means
and I will place you over all.