11 April 2017

TL;DR - A new book, from BlacKat Publishing

This collection brings together three of my long poems or poem cycles. As the jacket says, each was written to win a girl, and the last was a success - she's still wearing my ring.

What's in it?

The Myth of Sisyphus - a long poem, written in the spring of 1992 when I spent a semester at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. I had a job shelving in the classics section at the Queen Mother Library, and all of my courses were in (British) poetry. This is the (previously unpublished) result.

A Lover's Discourse - a cycle based on the Roland Barthes text of the same title. Barthes is discussing the impossibility of complete understanding between minds, given that our means of communication does not perfectly calibrate meanings across individuals. The inability of language to capture love is, therefore, a natural example for Barthes, and invites poetic reinterpretation. Some of these have appeared on the blog.

Seven Dream of Nebuchadnezzar - the cycle for which this blog is named. While all of these are online, TL;DR is their first appearance in print.


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05 April 2017


stepping fully formed from Zamyatin's pages

she is the prime mover
  the raison d'etre
  the muse

yet never, somehow
the protagonist, even if

she is the one
  to survive.

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